When the virus first hit I left Melbourne (a short-term plan turned indefinite), and stayed with family in Palm Beach, Queensland. Our neighbours were home-schooling their kids. One family that was good friends with ours had an enthusiasm for art and needed to leave the house, so I started teaching them simple techniques by the beach. It was a calming and rewarding experience and it was then I realised I’d like to teach more kids art.
Fast forward 18 months to living in Hopetoun, Western Australia.
These days it’s less calming but still rewarding. I am a freelancer contracted by the Regional Arts Council, Rave About Arts, and their program ‘ARTitude’. Each week, on a Tuesday, two classes span the afternoon. One is for kids between 4-8 followed by another for those aged 8-14.
To continue reading this post, visit: https://emilydawn.blog/2022/06/16/13-art-classes-in-hopetoun/